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The Value of a Comprehensive Energy-Loss Survey by Swagelok Pittsburgh | Tri-State Area

Energy-Loss Audits

Leakage in your gas, compressed air, steam, or hydraulic fluid lines results in substantial overall system inefficiencies and an unhealthy facility or project bottom line. Usually, such problems are due solely to incorrect system installations involving tube fittings, valves, gauges, and/or tubing.

Swagelok Technical Training offerings (current titles include Fitting Installation Essentials, Fitting Inspection Essentials, Tube Bending Essentials, Hose Essentials, and Advanced Bending – with new Valve Essentials and Regulator Essentials classes coming in 2018) will certainly help alleviate excessive leakage – and the chance for worker/asset harm, but, first, consider a no-cost, half-day Energy Evaluation by Swagelok Pittsburgh | Tri-State Area.

Our Energy Management Specialists will visit your site to carefully examine, under the guidance of your designated escort, a predetermined percentage of your fluid-handling lines. Through a mix of visual, film solution, and state-of-the-art ultrasound methods, we’ll look for and identify leaks in your tube/pipe and valve bonnet connections. We’ll also tag each leak according to type/urgency, whether small, medium, or large. 

Specialist Mike Gagel says that companies who take advantage of Swagelok Energy Evaluations are “always surprised by how many leaks we find.”

Once our inspection is complete, we’ll provide expert advice on how to make quick and effective improvements. We’ll also share an estimate of how much energy (and money) is lost every day due to the weak points in your setup. According to Gagel, “You could be losing a couple thousand dollars over the course of a year.” Just from a single leak.


With all of this free, value-added data at your fingertips, you can make an informed decision on whether you should repair, replace, or retighten your current system. Of course, Swagelok Pittsburgh | Tri-State Area is always available to help you work toward fluid-system optimization.

Our expert Fabrication Technologies technicians can also support your labor shortages by delivering leak-tight assemblies and complex panels

If you choose to replace system components, explore our extensive line of premier Swagelok fluid system products. No other brand of fittings, valves, hoses, tubing, and gauges lasts longer or performs better – no matter how challenging the application.

Contact us today to schedule your no-cost energy evaluation!