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Swagelok® Advanced Tube Bending Training


Give us three days to take your Tube Bending skills to a Master level!

Swagelok's renowned Advanced Tube Bending course will show you how to safely and accurately make even the most challenging bends: offset, rolling offset, parallel, segmented, and more.

Each student fabricates stainless steel tube bends that lead into and are located within the confines of a large electrical box – closely simulating real-life applications.

Participants learn the traditional measure-mark-bend method AND, for ultimate precision and aesthetics, the proven and trusted Swagelok technique.

In addition, extensive class time is spent working with benchtop benders…and understanding how to: spot bend defects, maintain spacing when making parallel bends, calculate the minimum distance needed between bends, and calculate the amount of tubing needed for back-to-back bends.

All instruction is delivered by Mike Gagel, Swagelok Company's global tube bending expert.

Don't take just our word for it!  Here's feedback from a few recent graduates:

“Now I have the confidence to do any bending job given to me.”

“I'll now be able to stop wasting time and material.”

“Anyone who bends tubes needs to enroll in this class.”

To bend to stretch your personal capabilities and your company's productivity and profitability, contact Strategic Services & Marketing Director Rudy Frank: