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Fluid System Evaluation & Advisory Services Program


Swagelok is your trusted and innovative Fluid-Systems Solutions Provider – continually seeking new and better ways to help you operate more safely, efficiently, productively, and profitably.

Our Fluid System Evaluation and Advisory Services Program delivers genuine onsite expertise to identify, prioritize, and solve even your most pressing application and environmental challenges.  

We'll visit your facility or project site to extensively audit your tube fittings, valves, gauges, tubing, and hoses to ensure that all such componentry has been properly/safely installed and operating at maximum effectiveness. We'll also take a close look at your compressed gas and other fluid systems to spot dangerous and expensive leaking connections.

All in our ongoing efforts – as your one-stop Proven Productivity Partner – to significantly improve your Bottom-Line fluid-system health.

Once we've completed our survey, we'll issue you a comprehensive report, with photos taken during our walkthrough, that won't simply detail your problem areas – but will provide timely, cost-saving recommendations as well…with all areas of concern categorized by level of severity.

We have unparalleled technical application know-how and experience to help you attain significantly enhanced levels of performance!

To learn more, contact Field Engineer Gary Osman at or 412.761.3212.